Monday, April 26, 2010

Student Websites

Please visit my website at !!

Expression Web. I think the section I am most proud of is my Starbucks page because I made the background so that it fit the topic and I included a lot of relavent informaiton. I may have changed my layout to the website. I think I would keep the same background for all of the pages so that it is tied together a little cleaner. My biggest technical challenge was making the tables and pictures in the places I wanted them. My biggest design challenge was making different backgrounds for every page. I will probably show my site to my mom and my family. There is a chance I will make another site because I really like making sites and I want to try keeping the same background for a site to make it look cleaner.

Three of my favorite websites are CJ Robison's (because his background is professional and I like the way he linked his photos), Steven Targoff's (because I like the gradient in the background and it is easy to navigate), and Lucy Cevallos's (because the home page is really cool looking- love the picture and colors together).

1 comment:

  1. Your website was one of my favs. I am going to look through yours onece I get done with finals!!!
