Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Advice for next year!

I think the best advice I can give for this class is to do all the homework in advance. There is a lot, and sometimes it can take hours (making a website), but if you do all your homework, then you will have the skills necessary for tests and quizzes. It will also keep your grade high.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Student Websites

Please visit my website at www.cs.trinity.edu/~mfisher2 !!

Expression Web. I think the section I am most proud of is my Starbucks page because I made the background so that it fit the topic and I included a lot of relavent informaiton. I may have changed my layout to the website. I think I would keep the same background for all of the pages so that it is tied together a little cleaner. My biggest technical challenge was making the tables and pictures in the places I wanted them. My biggest design challenge was making different backgrounds for every page. I will probably show my site to my mom and my family. There is a chance I will make another site because I really like making sites and I want to try keeping the same background for a site to make it look cleaner.

Three of my favorite websites are CJ Robison's (because his background is professional and I like the way he linked his photos), Steven Targoff's (because I like the gradient in the background and it is easy to navigate), and Lucy Cevallos's (because the home page is really cool looking- love the picture and colors together).

Monday, April 12, 2010

My Picture That Lies

My picture that lies is a picture of land animals swimming under water. I chose this because I think it would be fun to swim with African and South American animals in the ocean. All of the pictures originated from Google. I manipulated the picture by taking a background of the ocean and cropping out animals from different pictures and placing them on the ocean background. I then adjusted the hue and saturation for each layer to make them blue. Then, I used the smudge tool to make the edges look faded and make the animal blend in with the background a little better. I manipulated it for fun because I love animals and I love the ocean. I do not think the manipulation was harmful because everybody knows that these animals would never be swimming under water, especially all together. This picture relates to the article I read called, "Detecting Fake Images Using Watermarks and Support Vectors" because in the article, they talk about being able to detect when an image is not real by using watermarks and other methods. If someone wanted to see if my image was real or not (as if they could not tell), they could use the watermark method.
Here is the citation for the article I used:
Wei, Lu, Chung Fu-Lai, , and Kup-Sze. "Detecting fake images using watermarks and support vector machines."Computer Standards & Interfaces 30.2 (2008): 132-136. Web. 13 Apr 2010.

Why it is Important to Know How to Use HTML Code

Even though there are programs such as Expression Web and Kompozer, it is still important for the computer programmer to know how to use HTML code. Why is this? It is because it is always good to know the basic building blocks for any program so that if a problem arises, it is possible to know how to fix it manually. HTML code rules the internet and any good programmer knows how to use it.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Power Point Evaluation

The other day in class, we watched classmates as they presented power point presentations about potential future jobs. Two of my favorites included a power point made by Hunter Ramsey and a power point made by Tori Carey. I really liked Hunter's because even though he said he is most likely not going to go into studying sharks, his power point was very informative. He made a really good choice in videos because it definitely caught the whole class's attention! I liked Tori's a lot because her background brought me back to my preschool days with the big letters and shapes. I really like the idea of becoming a preschool teacher and having a profound effect on children. She did a good job presenting her potential career.